Setting up a Static IP Tunnel on macOS (OS X) Print

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A Mac computer can be used with Fourplex's Static IP Tunnel. To do so:

  1. Apple Menu () -> Settings -> Network
  2. Click the + Icon
  3. Create a new VPN Interface with the type L2TP over IPSec
  4. In the Service Name type in Fourplex
  5. Click on Create
  6. In the Authentication settings set your L2TP username and password, and in the Server Address field
  7. Tick Show VPN status in menu bar
  8. In the Advanced Settings, check Send all Traffic over VPN connection

Disabling IPsec

If you get errors when connecting, you will need to disable IPsec. To do so, open a Terminal and enter the following:

echo "plugin L2TP.ppp" > options
echo "l2tpnoipsec" >> options
sudo mv options /etc/ppp

Enabling IPv6 (Recommended)

As root, you can edit the /etc/ppp/auth-up file and add the following:

/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 inet6 add your_ipv6_prefix::1/64
route add -inet6 default -interface ppp0

Replace your_ipv6_prefix with the assigned IPv6 prefix in the user portal.

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