A Mac computer can be used with Fourplex's Static IP Tunnel. To do so:
- Apple Menu () -> Settings -> Network
- Click the + Icon
- Create a new VPN Interface with the type L2TP over IPSec
- In the Service Name type in Fourplex
- Click on Create
- In the Authentication settings set your L2TP username and password, and nyc.vpn.fourplex.net in the Server Address field
- Tick Show VPN status in menu bar
- In the Advanced Settings, check Send all Traffic over VPN connection
Disabling IPsec
If you get errors when connecting, you will need to disable IPsec. To do so, open a Terminal and enter the following:
echo "plugin L2TP.ppp" > options
echo "l2tpnoipsec" >> options
sudo mv options /etc/ppp
Enabling IPv6 (Recommended)
As root, you can edit the /etc/ppp/auth-up file and add the following:
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 inet6 add your_ipv6_prefix::1/64
route add -inet6 default -interface ppp0
Replace your_ipv6_prefix with the assigned IPv6 prefix in the user portal.